Saturday, March 30, 2013

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible...

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable.

- John F. Kennedy

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hiding a Gun...

They're at it again. The politicians in Washington, DC, and their media mouthpieces everywhere are in full cry, threatening more restrictions on our right to own guns.

In response, Americans are rushing to buy firearms, particularly those that might be targets of the next ban. Without a doubt, many guns are going underground or into other hiding places. When Draconian restrictions take effect, millions more firearms will get tucked into walls, haylofts, hollow trees, and waterproof containers buried in the woods.

There are people who say, "When it's time to bury the guns, it's actually time to dig them up and use them." They have a point.

read the rest of the article here:


Corrosive Ammo and Cleaning Your Rifle